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The old fox called Design

Over the past days I've seen a lot of blogs about design. I've read about digital design, mobile first, dynamic design, content first... Every blogger or company seems to have found a different approach or name for design.

Is it all new then?

Simply put - I don't think so. The term Digital Design for instance is a bit funky when you consider all printed work has been made on computers for the past 2 decades (at least). So design has been digital for a while. Obviously they mean the output will be viewed digitally - but to call it Digital Design to me is a little bit odd as that name covers more than intended.

So why do we have to invent all these new names for the old fox called Design? I think a lot of it is down to being noticed. Companies and staff, now more than ever, have to be present. You have to be present to get more business, find clients, attract new staff, be noticed in the big field of players. Have an opinion and be noticed.

The importance of design

I think its fantastic that companies and people are communicating about design. Design is very often what sets a product or service apart. There are numerous quotes on design:
  • Steve Jobs: "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works!"
  • Dieter Rams: "Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful!"
  • Thomas J. Watson: "Good design is good business".

Personally I couldn't care less what they call it, as long as it is clear how important design is. I absolutely love that all these companies and individuals are giving true value to the trade. I've worked at companies where the first question after giving an estimate is "....Okay, I hear you... But can we find a way to do it cheaper?". That's horrible. The biggest value is added during the design phase. Its what sets your website apart from your competition.

When a designer is compromised in his hours that'll show. Obviously design is always a compromise, a designer rarely gets all his thoughts approved. Thats okay, because an interaction designer can maybe request a change that makes the website more useful to a bigger audience and then its a win-win situation. However, when you are compromised in your hours from the start its one of those projects that'll haunt you.

So I think its just awesome everyone is talking about design.

Just call it Design.

Especially towards clients and prospects - who during pitches are presented with all these version - I think we should be clear and just give it the proper name. Why aren't we just calling it Design? Yes, the capital D is intended. Design matters. Design is everywhere. Its in your clothes, its in your cup of coffee, its in the packages of your food... Design is all around us and it actually helps us out a lot. Design enriches our world.

Make sure clients understand design. Talk about its value, its communicative role, why it helps your client stand out from the crowd and what it can actually do for them in terms of more sales and better customer satisfaction. If I may use two more quotes which relate to both design and the value of having enough time to do design:
  • "Good design is obvious, great design is transparent." - Joe Sparano
  • "Good work ain't cheap, cheap work ain't good." - Norman Collins

Since this blog post has features loads of quotes, here's one from me:
  • I love that old fox...



  1. Mooie blog Corné. Doet me denken aan deze tekst op het bord @evident:
    "Geef om design!"


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